Wallingford Country Club
The Wallingford Country Club Hole 5-9 Bunker Renovation Project involves the comprehensive renovation and enhancement of bunkers, drainage systems, and surrounding landscapes across Holes 5 through 9. The scope of work includes the following key tasks:
Mobilization: Initial setup and mobilization of equipment and resources to the project site.
Removal and Stockpiling: Removal of existing turf, bunker sand, and asphalt paths, with stockpiling of materials such as topsoil and bunker sand for reuse where applicable.
Earthwork and Grading: Excavation and grading of bunkers and mounds to subgrade, including softening green slopes and preparing surfaces for new installations.
Drainage Installation: Installation of 4-inch perforated bunker and fairway drainage, 4-inch solid HDPE outfall stubs, cleanouts, and 8-inch and 12-inch drain inlets to improve water management.
Bunker Renovation: Installation of bunker edging, floor compaction, bunker liners (Cap Con), and new bunker sand to enhance functionality and aesthetics.
Irrigation and Pathways: Modifications and adjustments to irrigation systems, along with the installation of new gravel paths using recycled asphalt.
Soil and Turf Work: Preparation and amendment of soil, followed by the installation of rough sod, fairway/collar sod, and far rough seed with mulch to restore and improve turf areas.
Finalization: Completion of punch list items, as-built documentation, and installation of silt fence erosion barriers to ensure project compliance and environmental protection.
This scope of work, executed by Turco Golf Inc. in collaboration with Mungeam Golf Design, Inc., aims to enhance the playability, drainage, and visual appeal of the Wallingford Country Club’s Holes 5-9.
Mungeam Golf Design, Inc.
Mark A. Mungeam, ASGCA
195 SW Main Street
Douglas, MA 01516